(203) 938-3166

Registration Includes:

BGCRE Softball Jersey

1 Weekday Practice and 1 Game/ Scrimmage on the Weekend

Our Program’s Home Field is at BGCRE 

170 Cross Highway, Redding, CT 06896

Softball FAQs:

What days of the week will practices be held?

The number of registered players we have at each age group determines the number of teams we will have. From there, we confirm our parent volunteer coaches and work with their schedules to firm up practice times. The earlier registrations are in, the earlier we can solidify our schedules so we encourage families to commit as soon as possible! 

What if the schedule doesn’t work for my family? 

Please reach out to us ASAP if your team’s practice schedule does not work for your family. We will do our best to accommodate or issue a refund. 

Where are practices held?

Our home field is at the Boys and Girls Club of Redding and Easton located at 170 Cross Highway, Redding CT. Home games and practices will most often be scheduled here. We also utilize Pond Field in Easton and one of the fields at the Redding Community Center when needed.  

What gear does my player need? 

Your player will need the following items: Glove, batting helmet, cleats and facemask. Facemasks are required to play in our league. Many of the girls have their own bat, but we do have extra and these can be shared. 

More Information about our Softball Teams

Division Spring 2025 Skills
T-Ball Kindergarten and 1st Grade
The Program is designed to develop children’s self confidence and teamwork in a safe learning environment.
One Practice Per week, day/ time to be determined
Running from the week of April 21 through June 7
Saturday Scrimmages
Cost $140
8U 2nd and 3rd Grade
The focus is on fundamental skill development (throwing, catching, fielding, batting, base running) in a fun learning environment. Games are played with coach/machine pitch.
One Practice Per week, day/ time to be determined
Running from the week of April 21 through June 7
Games Saturdays against surrounding towns
Cost $190
10U 4th and 5th Grade
Practices continue to focus on developing and fine tuning skills and softball awareness with more attention to individual positions. Games are played with player pitch/coach rescue rule.
One to two practices per week, day/ time to be determined
Running from the week of April 21 through June 7
Games Saturdays against surrounding towns
Some Weekday games possible
Optional Pitching clinics will be offered once a week
Cost $240
12U 6th – 8th grade
Practices continue to focus on developing and fine tuning skills and softball awareness with more attention to individual positions. Games are played with play pitcher only.
One to two practices per week, day/ time to be determined
Running from the week of April 21 through June 7
Games Saturdays against surrounding towns
Some Weekday games possible
Optional Pitching clinics will be offered once a week
Cost $240
For more information please email:
Please consider donating to support Redding Easton Softball


2025 Winter  Softball Clinics are now OPEN!

 To ensure your daughter it set up for success, volunteers have encouraged girls to warm up skills over the off season. The girls will learn a variety of different  strategies and techniques. 

Please note, 
Pitching clinics for ages 8 and up will be available.

*10:00-11:00 on 2/2 & 3/16

More information to follow! 

Clinics will be held at Joel Barlow High School in the upper gymnasium.

6-8 U from 10:00-11:00

10-12 U from 11:00-12:00

Sundays: 1/5, 2/2, 3/2, 3/16